Last September I spent a fornight in Malta. I chose my mobility in this country eager to learn new resources which I could use with all my students, from the weakest ones to the most talented. It was a course on Creative Methodology. I arrived on September 14th and I met other European teachers at Alpha School with the same needs as I had.
The first week covered different topics each day, with the fifth day allowing us to share experiences among us. A plethora of ideas was explored, including games, drama, music and art-based activities, which made the course a fun and rewarding learning experience.
We also discussed that the English language does not stagnate, as it is constantly changing and evolving, and so it was a fantastic opportunity to bring our own English skills up-to-date. Additionally a great number of cultural aspects were tackled , and so this helped me keep my finger on the pulse of the English-speaking world. Futhermore, we were actively involved in our own lifelong learning journey and we discussed our own ideas with other European teachers.

Here I am signing at school everyday.

With some of my colleagues from Bulgaria, Sicily, Italy, Germany and Czech Republic.

For the second week, we had strongly been recommended to bring a laptop or a hand-held device, so that we could learn how to use digital software for quizzes, which are highly motivating for young learners, such as “Kahoot” for fun learning or “Quizlet”, an app based on classic flashcards. We also tackled some apps for assessment of students learning, such as “Socrative”, which is quick and easy to create, and fun and effective for students.
The last day was a presentation day, so that all the participants should present something we use in front of the other European colleagues. This was a memorable day, as we had the chance to exchange our teaching experiences in our countries. I immediately became aware of the great difference in the education system with other countries in Europe, and the need to have more of these opportunities to meet other European professionals to be able to share our teaching ideas, so that we can walk in the same direction.

Time to share my own teaching techniques and personal practice to the rest of the participants.

Time to say goodbye and collect our certificates. It was a real pleasure to meet these teachers. Will we see again?

If you wish to access the resources of the course "Creative Methodology" (1st week),  just click here.

If you wish to access the resources of the Course "Creative Methodology" (2nd week), just click here.

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