jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018




A very important part of this project is related to choosing the most suitable mobility actions. After considering several choices,  we decided to take a course with  Norwich Institute for Language Education (NILE). The title of the course would be: "Learning difference and inclusion in language teaching".

If you wish to know about NILE, you can enter their website here. 

You can read all about this first mobility action in Norwich by choosing the page "Norwich" below the heading of this blog. 

martes, 16 de octubre de 2018


Our project is centered on finding the best possible answer to  Attention to Diversity. The school community has been involved with this  issue during the last two decades. Therefore, this proposal gives a strong horizontal continuity to this concern  of our school and it also includes the added value of introducing new methodological approaches that we will acquire in training in Europe and with the exchange of experiences with teaching staff from other European countries.

The Basque educational system provides teachers with an in-service teacher training program that allows teachers to develop professionally with the counselling provided by the link advisor of the school. We have always believed that working in a collaborative way is extremely rewarding in order to gain further insights into current trends in methodological approaches. The school has had a  close link with the advisor for fourteen years but  it will be the first time a link advisor will officially take part in an Erasmus + project with a school in the Basque Country. This is the reason why the participants in this Project are the Principal, the school counselor, the coordinator of the multilingual Project and the link advisor. However, as it is a whole school approach it ensures that all students have the opportunity to maximise their learning experience. The impact of the project  will  affect all school staff, parents/carers and community members.

Mobility activities cover two major fields, one being  "Learning about differences and inclusion in teaching, in other words, a global approach to Diversity, and the other "Classroom management".  

Our teachers are already paying attention to diversity by designing and implementing lessons that address all students' academic needs, learning styles and expressing their confidence in students’ ability to succeed. The Project describes these actions, among which we would like to highlight the joint work of two teachers in the same classroom, the extended day program where students with learning difficulties are supervised by assistant teachers, the specific attention placed on Special Needs Education students and on Gifted and Talented students as well. 

The proposal we present adds new ways to succeed at  reaching every student: activities/ didactical approaches that  consider their different learning styles and multiple intelligences, cooperative learning techniques,  PBL (Project-based learning) blended learning highlighting the concept of the flipped classroom. All these approaches covered by the umbrella of the UDL (Universal Design for Learning). We expect to make students feel we care for each of them and, consequently, improve not only their well-being but also their academic results making them feel important members of the school community.

A carefully scheduled timetable has been established so that all staff members will learn about the new current strategies and methodological tools they can put into practice to help all type of students reach the benchmarks in every subject.  The link advisor plays a crucial role in making all this a meaningful experience and bridging all the parts together. The global impact is absolutely guaranteed through participation of all staff members in the training sessions at school and the implementation of newly acquired strategies on a daily basis.

We are convinced that teaching the way they learn, in other words, trying to find the different ways to make every student progress   whatever the disability may be is not a short-term goal. Good things take their time and we are ready to be patient and wait for the long-term results, which will let us see a School for Everyone, made up of students dedicated to succeeding no matter their circumstances, with a global perspective and its doors open to Europe and the world.  

Puedes leer el resumen de nuestro proyecto en castellano aquí.

miércoles, 4 de julio de 2018


Una vez nos fue comunicado que nuestro proyecto  Erasmus + KA1 del instituto SOPELA BHI  había sido seleccionado , acudimos al 5º encuentro nacional de proyectos de Acción Clave 1 (KA1), que tuvo lugar en Logroño el 25 y 26 de junio de 2018.

A nivel nacional fueron aceptados 437 proyectos de las 782 solicitudes presentadas, de los cuales solamente seleccionaron 5 en el País Vasco. Podemos sentirnos muy satisfechos de que nuestro proyecto “TEACHING THE WAY THEY LEARN” fuera elegido finalmente.

Este 5º encuentro organizado por el SEPIE  (Servicio Español para la Internalización de la Educación) fue muy fructífero, ya que tuvimos la ocasión de participar junto a los otros cuatro compañeros del País Vasco en  estas jornadas, y donde recabamos toda la información necesaria para emprender esta nueva etapa de nuestro centro.

Es tiempo de abrir nuevos  horizontes e incidir en la importancia del programa de Erasmus + para el instituto de Sopela, ya que contribuye significativamente a la modernización de nuestro sistema de enseñanza y una mayor internacionalización de nuestros estudiantes. Ojalá que este sea el principio de una  fase para lograr la escuela que todos queremos, donde nosotros, os profesores, les enseñemos a nuestros estudiantes de la manera  en que ellos aprendan.

 Once we got to know that our Project in Sopela BHI had been selected for Erasmus +, we attended the 5th  National Meeting which SEPIE organization held in Logroño on 25th and 26th June 2018.
At a national level, there were 437 pojects which had been selected among the 782 submitted ones, and only five  school projects in the Basque Country were finally selected. We can feel fully satisfied that our Project “TEACHING THE WAY THEIR LEARN” was considered one of the most outstanding ones.

This 5th Meeting held by SEPIE (Servicio Español para la Internalización de la Educación) was absolutely fruitful, as we had the chance to meet the other Basque teachers and share the necessary information to make a further step in our school in Sopela.

It is time to look ahead and point to new horizons and emphasize the importance of the programme Erasmus + for IES Sopela BHI, as this programme can contribute in a significant way to update our education system and to an  internationalization of our students. Hopefully this will be the beginning of a new era to achieve the school we all  woud like to have, where we, teachers, teach our students the way they learn.

Once we got to know that our Project in Sopela BHI had been selected for Erasmus +, we attended the 5th  National Meeting which SEPIE organization held in Logroño on 25th and 26th June 2018.

At a national level, there were 437 pojects which had been selected among the 782 submitted ones, and only five  school projects in the Basque Country were finally selected. We can feel fully satisfied that our Project “TEACHING THE WAY THEIR LEARN” was considered one of the most outstanding ones.

 This 5th Meeting held by SEPIE (Servicio Español para la Internalización de la Educación) was absolutely fruitful, as we had the chance to meet the other Basque teachers and share the necessary information to make a further step in our school in Sopela.

It is time to look ahead and point to new horizons and emphasize the importance of the programme Erasmus + for IES Sopela BHI, as this programme can contribute in a significant way to update our education system and to an  internationalization of our students. 

Hopefully this will be the beginning of a new era to achieve the school we all  woud like to have, where we, teachers, teach our students the way they learn.


miércoles, 20 de junio de 2018

Aurkezpena / Presentación / Introduction

Gure ikastetxea onartua izan da Erasmus+ KA1 proiektu bat garatzeko eta proiektu honen bitartez gure erronkarik nagusienari erantzuna emango diogu. Hain zuzen ere, gure ikasleen aniztasuna kontutan hartu eta ahal dugun guztia egin beren irakaskuntza prozesua errazteko, "Nola ikasi, hala irakatsi " gure lema izanda.

Nuestro centro ha sido elegido para desarrollar un proyecto Erasmus + KA1 y llevando a cabo este proyecto intentaremos dar respuesta a nuestro reto más importante, que consiste en tener en cuenta la diversidad de nuestro alumnado y hacer todo lo posible para facilitar su proceso de aprendizaje. Nuestro lema sería "Enseñando de la manera en que aprenden".

Our school has been chosen to develop an Erasmus + KA1 project.  Through the development of this project, we will try to face a very powerful challenge, which involves taking into account our students' diversity and catering for their needs by doing our best to facilitate their learning process. Our motto would be "Teaching the way they learn".